The Nanavati group believes and embodies the principles laid down by the Founder RM Nanavati.
Our vision is to improve and to enhance the quality of life, education, health and well being of our country by providing an innovative, proactive, professional and high quality service that promotes partnership with our community and international in a supportive, nurturing environment.
Our Mission is to create a niche for the Nanavati group in our country and worldwide as the provider of world-class quality products.

In life the only thing that is constant is constant change
MR. R. M. Nanavati
The founder of the Nanavati group had a vision that went far beyond the running of a business. He had a dream to enhance the quality of life & health, education, and contribute generously towards that goal in terms of money, time, and property. This dream has borne fruit over the decades in a variety of philanthropic activities with whom the Nanavati group is proud to associate themselves.
R.M. Nanavati, the founder of the Nanavati Group, visualized the potential of importing and trading in chemicals, dyestuffs and fertilizers. Soon enough, the company was providing critical support in enhancing the chemical and agriculture revolution in India. The Philanthropic activities of the group supported by the business expanded over the last 7 decades committing to medical, educational, and cultural institutions & trust.
"The Art of Living"
His philosophy of being Temperate, Balanced, Integrally Harmonious as destiny beckoned one through ife's journey guided the Group over the decades.
Mr. S.B. Jhaveri also in the past, served as the Chairman of GEEDA (Ground Nut Extractions Export Development Association) and held the position of President of the Solvent Extraction Association. He also was the Chairman of the Advisory Committee to the Government of India on Commodity Imports.
He promoted IEL which had a significant presence in the solvent extraction industry for over the past 50 years. IEL's manufacturing facility was the first of its kind in India. IEL was renowned as a leading manufacturer of groundnut de-oiled cake and groundnut oil, with an annual manufacturing capacity of 250,000 tons. The company held the status of a government-recognized export house and was a recipient of numerous export awards.
Strategically located in Jamnagar, Gujarat, the IEL plant took advantage of its proximity to the major groundnut-producing region and key ports. The groundnut oil produced by IEL was marketed under the well-known brand names of "Diamond" and "Star," enjoying popularity particularly in Northern India.

In life the only thing that is constant is change
It is the change that continuously evokes a sense of challenge in us. A challenge that demands dedication and foresight.
90 years in service to humankind
It is this change that continuously evokes a sense of challenge in us. A challenge that demands dedication and foresight.